
In SKYWARD: WHY FLYERS FLY, pilot, photographer and writer Russell Munson looks at why aviators take to the skies. His essays and color images allow you to experience the sensations of flight in a remarkable array of rare and beautiful aircraft.

"What a privilege to accompany Russell Munson, the great aerial photographer of our time, on a trip above The Mother Road of America."--
William Langewiesche is a pilot and prize winning
writer who has written for The Atlantic, Vanity Fair, The New York Times Magazine,
and is the author of twelve books.

Jonathan Livingston Seagull, written by Richard Bach with photographs by Russell Munson, remains in print after more than fifty years, and having sold more than forty million copies worldwide. The story of Jonathan Livingston Seagull is one that has inspired millions of readers to know there is a higher way of living, and the path to that is already written within us all.

Awaiting Publication-
Once When We Were One is a story of love, the unrelenting force that drives us to
commit ourselves to the ones we love, and to pursue in our lives what we love. It is a
story of the strength of love in the arms of truth, its fragility in the blows of betrayal, and
its loss in the depths of self-betrayal. It is a story told in words and photographs of two
strayed souls whose love for each other brought them back to love’s healing embrace.
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